Your PivotTable will now show how each Salesperson performed over time by indicating the difference in sales from the previous month. On the Show Values As tab in the dialog box, choose Difference From in the Show values as dropdown menu, and (previous) from the Base item selection box.

To show “Difference from” totals, click on any number in the column you want affected, in this case “Sum of Order Amount”, then click Value field settings from the Active Field group on the Analyze tab. Your PivotTable can show your monthly sales numbers in terms of the difference from the previous month. Once you have sorted your information by month, you may want to learn something different about your data, such as how your sales totals change month by month. To show a traditional Sunday-Saturday work week in your groups, manually set the Starting at field to a Sunday close to your first recorded date, such as June 30: This happens because our first recorded date is July 4. In our example, you might notice that the first “week” is July 4-July 10, which in 2013 was a Thursday-Wednesday.

To organize your data by week, select Days, then put 7 in the Number of days: field: There is not a “Week” selection in the Grouping dialog box. Step Three: Group your PivotTable by Week When you add more than one Group by, you can then collapse and expand the groups by clicking the + or – icon beside the group: However, if you wish to see linear trends over all three years, simply add Years to your choice in the Groupings dialog box. We might use this information to see if there are seasonal sales trends throughout the year, based on several years of data. Using Month as a filter combines the sales data for each month into one line, representing the sum of all three years. Notice that in our example, there are three years’ worth of data. Step Two: Group your PivotTable by Month and Year Using the Starting at: and Ending at: fields, you can even specify the range of dates that you want to group if you don’t want to group the entire list. Right-Click on any cell within the Dates column and select Group from the fly-out list.
To follow using our example data, download Group PivotTables by Month.xlsx Microsoft makes it available as an Excel add-in. The Analysis Toolpak is a standard component of Excel.
Images in this article were taken using Excel 2013 on the Windows 7 OS. Using Excel 2007’s Regression Analysis Tool The Analysis Tookpak Excel 2007 has a built-in regression analysis tool that’s packaged as part of its Analysis Toolpak. Steps shown below apply to Excel 2007 and later. To use the Group feature within a PivotTable, create or open the PivotTable that contains data organized by date. By grouping within the PivotTable itself, you avoid constantly changing your source data and creating multiple PivotTables from the same data. One such feature allows you to view data by date groupings (such as month, quarter, even week and hour of day). PivotTables have some useful “hidden” features that can make interpreting your data even easier. By Tepring Crocker Categories: Excel®, PivotTables Tags: Excel, excel pivottable group by month, PivotTable