( Note: If your name does not appear in the header, right-click the Author content control, click Remove Content Control, then type your name in the header.)ĭ. Replace the text in the Author content control with your name, press to move the insertion point out of the content control, then press. With the insertion point in the Header area, click the Quick Parts button in the Insert group on the HEADER & FOOTER TOOLS DESIGN tab, point to Document Property, then click Author.Ĭ. Double-click the margin at the top of a page to open the Header and Footer areas.ī. … Get solutions Get solutions Get solutions done loading Looking for the textbook?Ī.

Close headers and footers, scroll to view the header and footer on each page, then save your changes to the document. Move the insertion point to the header on page 1, use the HEADER & FOOTER TOOLS DESIGN tab to create a different header and footer for the first page of the document, type your name in the First Page Header area, then apply italic to your name.j. Double-click the page number to select it, then format the page number in bold and italic.i. Move the insertion point to the Footer area.h. Apply italic to the text in the header.g.
(Hint: Be sure the Update automatically check box is not checked.)f. Use the Insert Date and Time command in the Insert group to insert the current date using a format of your choice as static text. Click the Insert Alignment Tab button in the Position group, select the Right option button and keep the alignment relative to the margin, then click OK in the dialog box to close the dialog box and move the insertion point to the right margin.e. (Note: If your name does not appear in the header, right-click the Author content control, click Remove Content Control, then type your name in the header.)d. With the insertion point in the Header area, click the Quick Parts button in the Insert group on the HEADER & FOOTER TOOLS DESIGN tab, point to Document Property, then click Author.c.

Double-click the margin at the top of a page to open the Header and Footer areas.b.

By Microsoft Word 2013 for Medical Professionals (1st Edition) Edit edition Solutions for Chapter WUE Problem 5SR: Add headers and footers.a.